#StopCatLitterSmell With Litter Genie
I’m a cat lover. Since I was young, I’ve always had cats as pets. I have a long list of pet cats from when I was growing up!
There are definitely pros and cons that come with being a cat owner, and one of the cons is having to deal with the horrible odor of the litter of box and having to clean it every day. So, when I received an invitation to try out Little Genie, I was excited. One of things I hate the most is my room smelling like cat, and I’ve always used candles to try to cover the smell! I’ve tried everything to #StopCatLitterSmell!
I’ve heard a lot of good reviews about Little Genie. One of my friends owns two cats (they’re the sweetest orange cats I’ve ever met, but she calls them assholes lol). She explained to me how Little Genie works. I really couldn’t understand until I had it in my own hands, though.
At first, I thought Little Genie would clean out the waste by itself, but then I realized Little Genie is a container that traps the odor and stops it for 2 weeks. It was amazing. You collect the waste, put it in the bag inside of the Little Genie, and after 2 weeks, you just go and throw it out instead of going outside every day toss it. It was like magic.
Obviously, Jack (my kitty) was very curious about our new friend Little Genie that sits besides his litter box. He approves of it–he actually hugs Little Genie! I wish I got could get the picture…okay I’m joking (haha). He only smells it and that’s it. Jack is beautiful in person, but he is camera shy. It was so hard to get a decent picture of him!
Are you a cat or dog lover? Let me know and share your pet’s picture in the comments below.